Uploading server descriptors and extra-info documents

ORs SHOULD generate a new server descriptor and a new extra-info document whenever any of the following events have occurred:

      - A period of time (18 hrs by default) has passed since the last
        time a descriptor was generated.

      - A descriptor field other than bandwidth or uptime has changed.

      - Its uptime is less than 24h and bandwidth has changed by a factor of 2
        from the last time a descriptor was generated, and at least a given
        interval of time (3 hours by default) has passed since then.

      - Its uptime has been reset (by restarting).

      - It receives a networkstatus consensus in which it is not listed.

      - It receives a networkstatus consensus in which it is listed
        with the StaleDesc flag.

      [XXX this list is incomplete; see router_differences_are_cosmetic()
       in routerlist.c for others]

ORs SHOULD NOT publish a new server descriptor or extra-info document if none of the above events have occurred and not much time has passed (12 hours by default).

Tor versions older than ignore uptime when checking for bandwidth changes.

After generating a descriptor, ORs upload them to every directory authority they know, by posting them (in order) to the URL


Server descriptors may not exceed 20,000 bytes in length; extra-info documents may not exceed 50,000 bytes in length. If they do, the authorities SHOULD reject them.