Historical special hostnames


SYNTAX: [string].noconnect

When Tor sees an address in this format, it immediately closes the connection without attaching it to any circuit. This is useful for controllers that want to test whether a given application is indeed using the same instance of Tor that they’re controlling.

This feature was added in Tor, and taken out in Tor over fears that it provided another avenue for detecting Tor users via application-level web tricks.

.onion (version 2)

  SYNTAX:  [digest].onion

In version 2 .onion addresses, (removed along with the rest of v2 onion services in the “digest” part of the address is the first eighty bits of a SHA-1 digest of the hidden service’s identity key (SHA1(DER(PK))), encoded in base 32.

The “ignored” portion of the address is intended for use in vhosting, and is supported in Tor and later.