Detecting route manipulation by Guard nodes (Path Bias)

The Path Bias defense is designed to defend against a type of route capture where malicious Guard nodes deliberately fail or choke circuits that extend to non-colluding Exit nodes to maximize their network utilization in favor of carrying only compromised traffic.

In the extreme, the attack allows an adversary that carries c/n of the network capacity to deanonymize c/n of the network connections, breaking the O((c/n)^2) property of Tor’s original threat model. It also allows targeted attacks aimed at monitoring the activity of specific users, bridges, or Guard nodes.

There are two points where path selection can be manipulated: during construction, and during usage. Circuit construction can be manipulated by inducing circuit failures during circuit extend steps, which causes the Tor client to transparently retry the circuit construction with a new path. Circuit usage can be manipulated by abusing the stream retry features of Tor (for example by withholding stream attempt responses from the client until the stream timeout has expired), at which point the tor client will also transparently retry the stream on a new path.

The defense as deployed therefore makes two independent sets of measurements of successful path use: one during circuit construction, and one during circuit usage.

The intended behavior is for clients to ultimately disable the use of Guards responsible for excessive circuit failure of either type (for the parameters to do this, see “Parameterization” below); however known issues with the Tor network currently restrict the defense to being informational only at this stage (see “Known barriers to enforcement”).

Measuring path construction success rates

Clients maintain two counts for each of their guards: a count of the number of times a circuit was extended to at least two hops through that guard, and a count of the number of circuits that successfully complete through that guard. The ratio of these two numbers is used to determine a circuit success rate for that Guard.

Circuit build timeouts are counted as construction failures if the circuit fails to complete before the 95% “right-censored” timeout interval, not the 80% timeout condition.

If a circuit closes prematurely after construction but before being requested to close by the client, this is counted as a failure.

Measuring path usage success rates

Clients maintain two usage counts for each of their guards: a count of the number of usage attempts, and a count of the number of successful usages.

A usage attempt means any attempt to attach a stream to a circuit.

Usage success status is temporarily recorded by state flags on circuits. Guard usage success counts are not incremented until circuit close. A circuit is marked as successfully used if we receive a properly recognized RELAY cell on that circuit that was expected for the current circuit purpose.

If subsequent stream attachments fail or time out, the successfully used state of the circuit is cleared, causing it once again to be regarded as a usage attempt only.

Upon close by the client, all circuits that are still marked as usage attempts are probed using a RELAY_BEGIN cell constructed with a destination of the form 0.a.b.c:25, where a.b.c is a 24 bit random nonce. If we get a RELAY_COMMAND_END in response matching our nonce, the circuit is counted as successfully used.

If any unrecognized RELAY cells arrive after the probe has been sent, the circuit is counted as a usage failure.

If the stream failure reason codes DESTROY, TORPROTOCOL, or INTERNAL are received in response to any stream attempt, such circuits are not probed and are declared usage failures.

Prematurely closed circuits are not probed, and are counted as usage failures.

Scaling success counts

To provide a moving average of recent Guard activity while still preserving the ability to verify correctness, we periodically “scale” the success counts by multiplying them by a scale factor between 0 and 1.0.

Scaling is performed when either usage or construction attempt counts exceed a parametrized value.

To avoid error due to scaling during circuit construction and use, currently open circuits are subtracted from the usage counts before scaling, and added back after scaling.


The following consensus parameters tune various aspects of the defense.

       Default: 150
       Min: 5
       Effect: This is the minimum number of circuits that must complete
               at least 2 hops before we begin evaluating construction rates.

       Default: 70
       Min: 0
       Max: 100
       Effect: If the circuit success rate falls below this percentage,
               we emit a notice log message.

       Default: 50
       Min: 0
       Max: 100
       Effect: If the circuit success rate falls below this percentage,
               we emit a warn log message.

       Default: 30
       Min: 0
       Max: 100
       Effect: If the circuit success rate falls below this percentage,
               we emit a more alarmist warning log message. If
               pb_dropguard is set to 1, we also disable the use of the

       Default: 0
       Min: 0
       Max: 1
       Effect: If the circuit success rate falls below pb_extremepct,
               when pb_dropguard is set to 1, we disable use of that

       Default: 300
       Min: 10
       Effect: After this many circuits have completed at least two hops,
               Tor performs the scaling described in
	       ["Scaling success counts"](#scaling).

     pb_multfactor and pb_scalefactor
       Default: 1/2
       Min: 0.0
       Max: 1.0
       Effect: The double-precision result obtained from
               pb_multfactor/pb_scalefactor is multiplied by our current
               counts to scale them.

       Default: 20
       Min: 3
       Effect: This is the minimum number of circuits that we must attempt to
               use before we begin evaluating construction rates.

       Default: 80
       Min: 3
       Effect: If the circuit usage success rate falls below this percentage,
               we emit a notice log message.

       Default: 60
       Min: 3
       Effect: If the circuit usage success rate falls below this percentage,
               we emit a warning log message. We also disable the use of the
               guard if pb_dropguards is set.

       Default: 100
       Min: 10
       Effect: After we have attempted to use this many circuits,
               Tor performs the scaling described in
      	       ["Scaling success counts"](#scaling).

Known barriers to enforcement

Due to intermittent CPU overload at relays, the normal rate of successful circuit completion is highly variable. The Guard-dropping version of the defense is unlikely to be deployed until the ntor circuit handshake is enabled, or the nature of CPU overload induced failure is better understood.