Filename: 238-hs-relay-stats.txt
Title: Better hidden service stats from Tor relays
Author: George Kadianakis, David Goulet, Karsten Loesing, Aaron Johnson
Created: 2014-11-17
Status: Closed

0. Motivation

   Hidden Services is one of the least understood parts of the Tor
   network. We don't really know how many hidden services there are
   and how much they are used.

   This proposal suggests that Tor relays include some hidden service
   related stats to their extra info descriptors. No stats are
   collected from Tor hidden services or clients.

   While uncertainty might be a good thing in a hidden network,
   learning more information about the usage of hidden services can be

   For example, learning how many cells are sent for hidden service
   purposes tells us whether hidden service traffic is 2% of the Tor
   network traffic or 90% of the Tor network traffic. This info can
   also help us during load balancing, for example if we change the
   path building of hidden services to mitigate guard discovery
   attacks [GUARD-DISCOVERY].

   Also, learning the number of hidden services, can give us an
   understanding of how widespread hidden services are. It will also
   help us understand approximately how much load is put in the
   network by hidden service logistics, like introduction point
   circuits etc.

1. Design

   Tor relays shall add some fields related to hidden service
   statistics in their extra-info descriptors.

   Tor relays collect these statistics by keeping track of their
   hidden service directory or rendezvous point activities, slightly
   obfuscating the numbers and posting them to the directory
   authorities. Extra-info descriptors are posted to directory
   authorities every 24 hours.

2. Implementation

2.1. Hidden service statistics interval

   We want relays to report hidden-service statistics over a long-enough
   time period to not put users at risk.  Similar to other statistics, we
   suggest a 24-hour statistics interval.  All related statistics are
   collected at the end of that interval and included in the next
   extra-info descriptors published by the relay.

   Tor relays will add the following line to their extra-info descriptor:

    "hidserv-stats-end" YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (NSEC s) NL
        [At most once.]

        YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS defines the end of the included measurement
        interval of length NSEC seconds (86400 seconds by default).

        A "hidserv-stats-end" line, as well as any other "hidserv-*" line,
        is first added after the relay has been running for at least 24

2.2. Hidden service traffic statistics

   We want to learn how much of the total Tor network traffic is
   caused by hidden service usage.  More precisely, we measure hidden
   service traffic by counting RELAY cells seen on a rendezvous point
   after receiving a RENDEZVOUS1 cell.  These RELAY cells include
   commands to open or close application streams, and they include
   application data.

   Tor relays will add the following line to their extra-info descriptor:

    "hidserv-rend-relayed-cells" SP num SP key=val SP key=val ... NL
        [At most once.]

        Where 'num' is the number of RELAY cells seen in either
        direction on a circuit after receiving and successfully
        processing a RENDEZVOUS1 cell.

        The actual number is obfuscated as detailed in
        [STAT-OBFUSCATION]. The parameters of the obfuscation are
        included in the key=val part of the line.

   The obfuscatory parameters for this statistic are:
     * delta_f = 2048
     * epsilon = 0.3
     * bin_size = 1024
   (Also see [CELL-LAPLACE-GRAPH] for a graph of the Laplace distribution.)

   So, an example line could be:
     hidserv-rend-relayed-cells 19456 delta_f=2048 epsilon=0.30 binsize=1024

2.3. HSDir hidden service counting

   We also want to learn how many hidden services exist in the
   network.  The best place to learn this is at hidden service
   directories where hidden services publish their descriptors.

   Tor relays will add the following line to their extra-info descriptor:

    "hidserv-dir-onions-seen" SP num SP key=val SP key=val ... NL
        [At most once.]

        Approximate number of unique hidden-service identities seen in
        descriptors published to and accepted by this hidden-service

        The actual number number is obfuscated as detailed in
        [STAT-OBFUSCATION]. The parameters of the obfuscation are
        included in the key=val part of the line.

   The obfuscatory parameters for this statistic are:
     * delta_f = 8
     * epsilon = 0.3
     * bin_size = 8
   (Also see [ONIONS-LAPLACE-GRAPH] for a graph of the Laplace distribution.)

   So, an example line could be:
    hidserv-dir-onions-seen 112 delta_f=1 epsilon=0.30 binsize=8

2.4. Statistics obfuscation [STAT-OBFUSCATION]

  We believe that publishing the actual measurement values in such a
  system might have unpredictable effects, so we obfuscate these
  statistics before publishing:

                   +-----------+    +--------------+
   actual value -> |  binning  | -> |additive noise| -> public statistic
                   +-----------+    +--------------+

  We are using two obfuscation methods to better hide the actual
  numbers even if they remain the same over multiple measurement

  Specifically, given the actual measurement value, we first apply
  data binning to it (basically we round it up to the nearest multiple
  of an integer, see [DATA-BINNING]). And then we apply additive noise
  to the binned value in a fashion similar to differential privacy.

  More information about the obfuscation methods follows:

2.4.1. Data binning

  The first thing we do to the original measurement value, is to round
  it up to the nearest multiple of 'bin_size'.  'bin_size' is an
  integer security parameter and can be found on the respective
  statistics sections.

  This is similar to how Tor keeps bridge user statistics. As an
  example, if the measurement value is 9 and bin_size is 8, then the
  final value will be rounded up to 16. This also works for negative
  values, so for example, if the measurement value is -9 and bin_size
  is 8, the value will be rounded up to -8.

2.4.2. Additive noise

  Then, before publishing the statistics, we apply additive noise to
  the binned value by adding to it a random value sampled from a
  Laplace distribution . Following the differential privacy
  methodology [DIFF-PRIVACY], our obfuscatory Laplace distribution has
  mu = 0 and b = (delta_f / epsilon).

  The precise values of delta_f and epsilon are different for each
  statistic and are defined on the respective statistics sections.

3. Security

   The main security considerations that need discussion are what an
   adversary could do with reported statistics that they couldn't do
   without them.  In the following, we're going through things the
   adversary could learn, how plausible that is, and how much we care.
   (All these things refer to hidden-service traffic, not to
   hidden-service counting.  We should think about the latter, too.)

3.1. Identify rendezvous point of high-volume and long-lived connection

   The adversary could identify the rendezvous point of a very large and
   very long-lived HS connection by observing a relay with unexpectedly
   large relay cell count.

3.2. Identify number of users of a hidden service

   The adversary may be able to identify the number of users
   of an HS if he knows the amount of traffic on a connection to that HS
   (which he potentially can determine himself) and knows when that
   service goes up or down. He can look at the change in the total
   reported RP traffic to determine about how many fewer HS users there
   are when that HS is down.

4. Discussion

4.1. Why count only RP cells? Why not count IP cells too?

   There are three phases in the rendezvous protocol where traffic is
   generated: (1) when hidden services make themselves available in
   the network, (2) when clients open connections to hidden services,
   and (3) when clients exchange application data with hidden
   services.  We expect (3), that is the RP cells, to consume most
   bytes here, so we're focusing on this only.

   Furthermore, introduction points correspond to specific HSes, so
   publishing IP cell stats could reveal the popularity of specific

4.2. How to use these stats?

 4.2.1. How to use rendezvous cell statistics

   We plan to extrapolate reported values to network totals by dividing
   values by the probability of clients picking relays as rendezvous
   point.  This approach should become more precise on faster relays and
   the more relays report these statistics.

   We also plan to compare reported values with "cell-*" statistics to
   learn what fraction of traffic can be attributed to hidden services.

   Ideally, we'd be able to compare values to "write-history" and
   "read-history" lines to compute similar fractions of traffic used for
   hidden services.  The goal would be to avoid enabling "cell-*"
   statistics by default.  In order for this to work we'll have to
   multiply reported cell numbers with the default cell size of 512 bytes
   (we cannot infer the actual number of bytes, because cells are
   end-to-end encrypted between client and service).

 4.2.2. How to use HSDir HS statistics

   We plan to extrapolate this value to network totals by calculating what
   fraction of hidden-service identities this relay was supposed to see.
   This extrapolation will be very rough, because each hidden-service
   directory is only responsible for a tiny share of hidden-service
   descriptors, and there is no way to increase that share significantly.

   Here are some numbers: there are about 3000 directories, and each
   descriptor is stored on three directories.  So, each directory is
   responsible for roughly 1/1000 of descriptor identifiers.  There are
   two replicas for each descriptor (that is, each descriptor is stored
   under two descriptor identifiers), and descriptor identifiers change
   once per day (which means that, during a 24-hour period, there are two
   opportunities for each directory to see a descriptor).  Hence, each
   descriptor is stored to four places in
   identifier space throughout a 24-hour period.  The probability of any
   given directory to see a given hidden-service identity is
   1-(1-1/1000)^4 = 0.00399 = 1/250.  This approximation constitutes an
   upper threshold, because it assumes that services are running all day.
   An extrapolation based on this formula will lead to undercounting the
   total number of hidden services.

   A possible inaccuracy in the estimation algorithm comes from the fact
   that a relay may not be acting as hidden-service directory during the
   full statistics interval.  We'll have to look at consensuses to
   determine when the relay first received the "HSDir" flag, and only
   consider the part of the statistics interval following the valid-after
   time of that consensus.

4.3. Why does the obfuscation work?

   By applying data binning, we smudge the original value making it
   harder for attackers to guess it. Specifically, an attacker who
   knows the bin, can only guess the underlying value with probability

   By applying additive noise, we make it harder for the adversary to
   find out the current bin, which makes it even harder to get the
   original value. If additive noise was not applied, an adversary
   could try to detect changes in the original value by checking when
   we switch bins.

5. Acknowledgements

   Thanks go to 'pfm' for the helpful Laplace graphs.

6. References