Title: Overcoming Tor's Bottlenecks with Traffic Splitting
Author: David Goulet, Mike Perry
Created: 2020-11-25
Status: Finished

0. Status

This proposal describes the Conflux [CONFLUX] system developed by Mashael AlSabah, Kevin Bauer, Tariq Elahi, and Ian Goldberg. It aims at improving Tor client network performance by dynamically splitting traffic between two circuits. We have made several additional improvements to the original Conflux design, by making use of congestion control information, as well as updates from Multipath TCP literature.

1. Overview

1.1. Multipath TCP Design Space

In order to understand our improvements to Conflux, it is important to properly conceptualize what is involved in the design of multipath algorithms in general.

The design space is broken into two orthogonal parts: congestion control algorithms that apply to each path, and traffic scheduling algorithms that decide which packets to send on each path.

[MPTCP] specifies 'coupled' congestion control (see [COUPLED]). Coupled congestion control updates single-path congestion control algorithms to account for shared bottlenecks between the paths, so that the combined congestion control algorithms do not overwhelm any bottlenecks that happen to be shared between the multiple paths. Various ways of accomplishing this have been proposed and implemented in the Linux kernel.

Because Tor's congestion control only concerns itself with bottlenecks in Tor relay queues, and not with any other bottlenecks (such as intermediate Internet routers), we can avoid this complexity merely by specifying that any paths that are constructed SHOULD NOT share any relays (except for the exit). This assumption is valid, because non-relay bottlenecks are managed by TCP of client-to-relay and relay-to-relay OR connections, and not Tor's circuit-level congestion control. In this way, we can proceed to use the exact same congestion control as specified in [PROP324], for each path.

For this reason, this proposal will focus on protocol specification, and the traffic scheduling algorithms, rather than coupling. Note that the scheduling algorithms are currently in flux, and will be subject to change as we tune them in Shadow, on the live network, and for future UDP implementation (see [PROP339]). This proposal will be kept up to date with the current implementation.

1.2. Divergence from the initial Conflux design

The initial [CONFLUX] paper doesn't provide any indications on how to handle the size of out-of-order cell queue, which we consider a potential dangerous memory DoS vector (see [MEMORY_DOS]). It also used RTT as the sole heuristic for selecting which circuit to send on (which may vary depending on the geographical locations of the participant relays), without considering their actual available circuit capacity (which will be available to us via Proposal 324). Additionally, since the publication of [CONFLUX], more modern packet scheduling algorithms have been developed, which aim to reduce out-of-order queue size.

We propose mitigations for these issues using modern scheduling algorithms, as well as implementations options for avoiding the out-of-order queue at Exit relays. Additionally, we consider resumption, side channel, and traffic analysis risks and benefits in [RESUMPTION], [SIDE_CHANNELS] and [TRAFFIC_ANALYSIS].

1.3. Design Overview

The following section describes the Conflux design.

The circuit construction is as follows:

         Primary Circuit (lower RTT)
            +-------+      +--------+
            |Guard 1|----->|Middle 1|----------+
            +---^---+      +--------+          |
   +-----+      |                           +--v---+
   | OP  +------+                           | Exit |--> ...
   +-----+      |                           +--^---+
            +---v---+      +--------+          |
            |Guard 2|----->|Middle 2|----------+
            +-------+      +--------+
         Secondary Circuit (higher RTT)

Both circuits are built using current Tor path selection, however they SHOULD NOT share the same Guard relay, or middle relay. By avoiding using the same relays in these positions in the path, we ensure additional path capacity, and eliminate the need to use more complicated 'coupled' congestion control algorithms from the MPTCP literature[COUPLED]. This both simplifies design, and improves performance.

Then, the OP needs to link the two circuits together, as described in [CONFLUX_HANDSHAKE].

For ease of explanation, the primary circuit is the circuit that is more desirable to use, as per the scheduling algorithm, and the secondary circuit is used after the primary is blocked by congestion control. Note that for some algorithms, this selection becomes fuzzy, but all of them favor the circuit with lower RTT, at the beginning of transmission.

Note also that this notion of primary vs secondary is a local property of the current sender: each endpoint may have different notions of primary, secondary, and current sending circuit. They also may use different scheduling algorithms to determine this.

Initial RTT is measured during circuit linking, as described in [CONFLUX_HANDSHAKE]. After the initial link, RTT is continually measured using SENDME timing, as in Proposal 324. This means that during use, the primary circuit and secondary circuit may switch roles, depending on unrelated network congestion caused by other Tor clients.

We also support linking onion service circuits together. In this case, only two rendezvous circuits are linked. Each of these RP circuits will be constructed separately, and then linked. However, the same path constraints apply to each half of the circuits (no shared relays between the legs). If, by chance, the service and the client sides end up sharing some relays, this is not catastrophic. Multipath TCP researchers we have consulted (see [ACKNOWLEDGMENTS]), believe Tor's congestion control from Proposal 324 to be sufficient in this rare case.

In the algorithms we recommend here, only two circuits will be linked together at a time. However, implementations SHOULD support more than two paths, as this has been shown to assist in traffic analysis resistance[WTF_SPLIT], and will also be useful for maintaining a desired target RTT, for UDP VoIP applications.

If the number of circuits exceeds the current number of guard relays, guard relays MAY be re-used, but implementations SHOULD use the same number of Guards as paths.

Linked circuits MUST NOT be extended further once linked (ie: 'cannibalization' is not supported).

2. Protocol Mechanics

2.1. Advertising support for conflux

2.1.1. Relay

We propose a new protocol version in order to advertise support for circuit linking on the relay side:

"Conflux=1" -- Relay supports Conflux as in linking circuits together using
               the new LINK, LINKED and SWITCH relay command.

2.1.2. Onion Service

We propose to add a new line in order to advertise conflux support in the encrypted section of the onion service descriptor:

"conflux" SP max-num-circ SP desired-ux NL

  The "max-num-circ" value indicate the maximum number of rendezvous
  circuits that are allowed to be linked together.

We let the service specify the conflux algorithm to use, when sending data to the service. Some services may prefer latency, where as some may prefer throughput. However, clients also have the ability to request their own UX for data that the service sends, in the LINK handshake below, in part because the high-throughput algorithms will require more out-of-order queue memory, which may be infeasible on mobile.

The next section describes how the circuits are linked together.

2.2. Conflux Handshake [CONFLUX_HANDSHAKE]

To link circuits, we propose new relay commands that are sent on both circuits, as well as a response to confirm the join, and an ack of this response. These commands create a 3way handshake, which allows each endpoint to measure the initial RTT of each leg upon link, without needing to wait for any data.

All three stages of this handshake are sent on each circuit leg to be linked.

When packed cells are a reality (proposal 340), these cells SHOULD be combined with the initial RELAY_BEGIN cell on the faster circuit leg. This combination also allows better enforcement against side channels. (See [SIDE_CHANNELS]).

There are other ways to do this linking that we have considered, but they seem not to be significantly better than this method, especially since we can use Proposal 340 to eliminate the RTT cost of this setup before sending data. For those other ideas, see [ALTERNATIVE_LINKING] and [ALTERNATIVE_RTT], in the appendix.

The first two parts of the handshake establish the link, and enable resumption:


      Sent from the OP to the exit/service in order to link circuits
      together at the end point.


      Sent from the exit/service to the OP, to confirm the circuits were

The contents of these two cells is exactly the same. They have the following contents:

VERSION   [1 byte]
PAYLOAD   [variable, up to end of relay payload]

The VERSION tells us which circuit linking mechanism to use. At this point in time, only 0x01 is recognized and is the one described by the Conflux design.

For version 0x01, the PAYLOAD contains:

NONCE              [32 bytes]
LAST_SEQNO_SENT    [8 bytes]
LAST_SEQNO_RECV    [8 bytes]
DESIRED_UX         [1 byte]

The NONCE contains a random 256-bit secret, used to associate the two circuits together. The nonce MUST NOT be shared outside of the circuit transmission, or data may be injected into TCP streams. This means it MUST NOT be logged to disk.

The two sequence number fields are 0 upon initial link, but non-zero in the case of a reattach or resumption attempt (See [CONFLUX_SET_MANAGEMENT] and [RESUMPTION]).

The DESIRED_UX field allows the endpoint to request the UX properties it wants. The other endpoint SHOULD select the best known scheduling algorithm, for these properties. The endpoints do not need to agree on which UX style they prefer.

The UX properties are:


The algorithm choice is performed by to the sender of data, (ie: the receiver of the PAYLOAD). The receiver of data (sender of the PAYLOAD) does not need to be aware of the exact algorithm in use, but MAY enforce expected properties (particularly low queue usage, in the case of requesting either LOW_MEM_LATENCY or LOW_MEM_THROUGHPUT). The receiver MAY close the entire conflux set if these properties are violated.

If either circuit does not receive a RELAY_CONFLUX_LINKED response, both circuits MUST be closed.

The third stage of the handshake exists to help the exit/service measure initial RTT, for use in [SCHEDULING]:


      Sent from the OP to the exit/service, to provide initial RTT
      measurement for the exit/service.

These three relay commands are sent on each leg, to allow each endpoint to measure the initial RTT of each leg.

The client SHOULD abandon and close circuit if the LINKED message takes too long to arrive. This timeout MUST be no larger than the normal SOCKS/stream timeout in use for RELAY_BEGIN, but MAY be the Circuit Build Timeout value, instead. (The C-Tor implementation currently uses Circuit Build Timeout).

See [SIDE_CHANNELS] for rules for when to reject unexpected handshake cells.

2.2. Linking Circuits from OP to Exit [LINKING_EXIT]

To link exit circuits, two circuits to the same exit are built, with additional restrictions such that they do not share Guard or Middle relays. This restriction applies via specific relay identity keys, and not IP addresses, families, or networks. (This is because the purpose of it is to avoid sharing a bottleneck inside relay circuit queues; bottlenecks caused by a shared network are handled by TCP's congestion control on the OR conns).

Bridges also are subject to the same constraint as Guard relays; the C-Tor codebase emits a warn if only one bridge is configured, unless that bridge has transport "snowflake". Snowflake is exempt from this Guard restriction because it is actually backed by many bridges. In the bridge case, we only warn, and do not refuse to build conflux circuits, because it is not catastrophic that Bridges are shared, it is just sub-optimal for performance and congestion.

When each circuit is opened, we ensure that congestion control has been negotiated. If congestion control negotiation has failed, the circuit MUST be closed. After this, the linking handshake begins.

The RTT times between RELAY_CONFLUX_LINK and RELAY_CONFLUX_LINKED are measured by the client, to determine primary vs secondary circuit use, and for packet scheduling. Similarly, the exit measures the RTT times between RELAY_CONFLUX_LINKED and RELAY_CONFLUX_LINKED_ACK, for the same purpose.

Because of the race between initial data and the RELAY_CONFLUX_LINKED_ACK cell, conditions can arise where an Exit needs to send data before the slowest circuit delivers this ACK. In these cases, it should prefer sending data on the circuit that has delivered the ACK (which will arrive immediately prior to any data from the client). This circuit will be the lower RTT circuit anyway, but the code needs to handle the fact that in this case, there won't yet be an RTT for the second circuit.

2.3. Linking circuits to an onion service [LINKING_SERVICE]

For onion services, we will only concern ourselves with linking rendezvous circuits.

To join rendezvous circuits, clients make two introduce requests to a service's intropoint, causing it to create two rendezvous circuits, to meet the client at two separate rendezvous points. These introduce requests MUST be sent to the same intropoint (due to potential use of onionbalance), and SHOULD be sent back-to-back on the same intro circuit. They MAY be combined with Proposal 340. (Note that if we do not use Prop340, we will have to raise the limit on number of intros per client circuit to 2, here, at intropoints).

When rendezvous circuits are built, they should use the same Guard, Bridge, and Middle restrictions as specified in [LINKING_EXIT], for Exits. These restrictions SHOULD also take into consideration all Middles in the path, including the rendezvous point. All relay identities should be unique (again, except for when the Snowflake transport is in use). The one special case here is if the chosen rendezvous points by a client are the same as the service's guards. In this case, the service SHOULD NOT use different guards, but instead stick with the guards it has. The reason for this is that we do not want to create the ability for a client to force a service to use different guards.

The first rendezvous circuit to get joined SHOULD use Proposal 340 to append the RELAY_BEGIN command, and the service MUST answer on this circuit, until RTT can be measured.

Once both circuits are linked and RTT is measured, packet scheduling MUST be used, as per [SCHEDULING].

2.4. Conflux Set Management [CONFLUX_SET_MANAGEMENT]

When managing legs, it is useful to separate sets that have completed the link handshake from legs that are still performing the handshake. Linked sets MAY have additional unlinked legs on the way, but these should not be used for sending data until the handshake is complete.

It is also useful to enforce various additional conditions on the handshake, depending on if [RESUMPTION] is supported, and if a leg has been launched because of an early failure, or due to a desire for replacement.

2.4.1. Pre-Building Sets

In C-Tor, conflux is only used via circuit prebuilding. Pre-built conflux sets are preferred over other pre-built circuits, but if the pre-built pool ends up empty, normal pre-built circuits are used. If those run out, regular non-conflux circuits are built. In other words, in C-Tor, conflux sets are never built on-demand, but this is strictly an implementation decision, to simplify dealing with the C-Tor codebase

The consensus parameter cfx_max_prebuilt_set specifies the number of sets to pre-build.

During upgrade, the consensus parameter cfx_low_exit_threshold will be used, so that if there is a low amount of conflux-supporting exits, only one conflux set will be built.

2.4.2. Set construction

When a set is launched, legs begin the handshake in the unlinked state. As handshakes complete, finalization is attempted, to create a linked set. On the client, this finalization happens upon receipt of the LINKED cell. On the exit/service, this finalization happens upon sending the LINKED.

The initiator of this handshake considers the set fully linked once the RELAY_CONFLUX_LINKED_ACK is sent (roughly upon receipt of the LINKED cell). Because of the potential race between LINKED_ACK, and initial data sent by the client, the receiver of the handshake must consider a leg linked at the time it sends the LINKED cell.

This means that exit legs may not have an RTT measurement, if data on the faster leg beats the LINKED_ACK on the slower leg. The implementation MUST account for this, by treating unmeasured legs as having infinite RTT.

When attempting to finalize a set, this finalization should not complete if any unlinked legs are still pending.

2.4.3. Closing circuits

For circuits that are unlinked, the origin SHOULD immediately relaunch a new leg when it is closed, subject to the limits in [SIDE_CHANNELS].

In C-Tor, we do not support arbitrary resumption. Therefore, we perform some additional checks upon closing circuits, to decide if we should immediately tear down the entire set:

  • If the closed leg was the current sending leg, close the set
  • If the closed leg had the highest non-zero last_seq_recv/sent, close the set
  • If data was in progress on a closed leg (inflight > cc_sendme_inc), then all legs must be closed

2.4.4. Reattaching Legs

While C-Tor does not support arbitrary resumption, new legs can be attached, so long as there is no risk of data loss from a closed leg. This enables latency probing, which will be important for UDP VoIP.

Currently, the C-Tor codebase checks for data loss by verifying that the LINK/LINKED cell has a lower last_seq_sent than all current legs' maximum last_seq_recv, and a lower last_seq_recv than all current legs last_seq_sent.

This check is performed on finalization, not the receipt of first handshake cell. This gives the data additional time to arrive.

2.5. Congestion Control Application [CONGESTION_CONTROL]

The SENDMEs for congestion control are performed per-leg. As soon as data arrives, regardless of its ordering, it is counted towards SENDME delivery. In this way, cwnd - inflight of each leg always reflects the available data to send on each leg. This is important for [SCHEDULING].

The Congestion control Stream XON/XOFF can be sent on either leg, and applies to the stream's transmission on both legs.

In C-Tor, streams used to become blocked as soon as the OR conn of their circuit was blocked. Because conflux can send on the other circuit, which uses a different OR conn, this form of stream blocking has been decoupled from the OR conn status, and only happens when congestion control has decided that all circuits are blocked (congestion control becomes blocked when either cwnd - inflight <= 0, or when the local OR conn is blocked, so if all local OR conns of a set are blocked, then the stream will block that way).

Note also that because congestion control only covers RELAY_COMMAND_DATA cells, for all algorithms, a special case must be made such that if no circuit is available to send on due to congestion control blocking, commands other than RELAY_COMMAN_DATA MUST be sent on the current circuit, even if the cell scheduler believes that no circuit is available. Depending on the code structure of Arti, this special case may or may not be necessary. It arises in C-Tor because nothing can block the sending of arbitrary non-DATA relay command cells.

2.6. Sequencing [SEQUENCING]

With multiple paths for data, the problem of data re-ordering appears. In other words, cells can arrive out of order from the two circuits where cell N + 1 arrives before the cell N.

Handling this reordering operates after congestion control for each circuit leg, but before relay cell command processing or stream data delivery.

For the receiver to be able to reorder the receiving cells, a sequencing scheme needs to be implemented. However, because Tor does not drop or reorder packets inside of a circuit, this sequence number can be very small. It only has to signal that a cell comes after those arriving on another circuit.

To achieve this, we propose a new relay command used to indicate a switch to another leg:


      Sent from a sending endpoint when switching leg in an
      already linked circuit construction. This message is sent on the leg
      that will be used for new traffic, and tells the receiver the size of
      the gap since the last data (if any) sent on that leg.

The cell payload format is:

SeqNum  [4 bytes]

The "SeqNum" value is a relative sequence number, which is the difference between the last absolute sequence number sent on the new leg and the last absolute sequence number sent on all other legs prior to the switch. In this way, the endpoint knows what to increment its local absolute sequence number by, before cells start to arrive.

To achieve this, the sender must maintain the last absolute sequence sent for each leg, and the receiver must maintain the last absolute sequence number received for each leg.

As an example, let's say we send 10 cells on the first leg, so our absolute sequence number is 10. If we then switch to the second leg, it is trivial to see that we should send a SWITCH with 10 as the relative sequence number, to indicate that regardless of the order in which the first cells are received, subsequent cells on the second leg should start counting at 10.

However, if we then send 21 cells on this leg, our local absolute sequence number as the sender is 31. So when we switch back to the first leg, where the last absolute sequence sent was 10, we must send a SWITCH cell with 21, so that when the first leg receives subsequent cells, it assigns those cells an absolute sequence number starting at 31.

In the rare event that we send more than 2^31 cells (~1TB) on a single leg, the leg should be switched in order to reset that relative sequence number to fit within 4 bytes.

For a discussion of rules to rate limit the usage of SWITCH as a side channel, see [SIDE_CHANNELS].

2.7. Resumption [RESUMPTION]

In the event that a circuit leg is destroyed, they MAY be resumed. Full resumption is not supported in C-Tor, but is possible to implement, at the expense of always storing roughly a congestion window of already-transmitted data on each endpoint, in the worst case. Simpler forms of resumption, where there is no data loss, are supported. This is important to support latency probing, for ensuring UDP VoIP minimum RTT requirements are met (roughly 300-500ms, depending on VoIP implementation).

Resumption is achieved by re-using the NONCE to the same endpoint (either [LINKING_EXIT] or [LINKING_SERVICE]). The resumed path need not use the same middle and guard relays as the destroyed leg(s), but SHOULD NOT share any relays with any existing legs(s).

If data loss has been detected upon a link handshake, resumption can be achieved by sending a switch cell, which is immediately followed by the missing data. Roughly, each endpoint must check:

  • if cell.last_seq_recv < min(max(legs.last_seq_sent),max(closed_legs.last_seq_sent)):
    • send a switch cell immediately with missing data: (last_seq_sent - cell.last_seq_recv)

If an endpoint does not have this missing data due to memory pressure, that endpoint MUST destroy both legs, as this represents unrecoverable data loss.

Re-transmitters MUST NOT re-increment their absolute sent fields while re-transmitting.

It is even possible to resume conflux circuits where both legs have been collapsed using this scheme, if endpoints continue to buffer their unacked package_window data for some time after this close. However, see [TRAFFIC_ANALYSIS] for more details on the full scope of this issue.

If endpoints are buffering package_window data, such data should be given priority to be freed in any oomkiller invocation. See [MEMORY_DOS] for more oomkiller information.

2.8. Data transmission

Most cells in Tor are circuit-specific, and should only be sent on a circuit, even if that circuit is part of a conflux set. Cells that are not multiplexed do not count towards the conflux sequence numbers.

However, in addition to the obvious RELAY_COMMAND_DATA, a subset of cells MUST ALSO be multiplexed, so that their ordering is preserved when they arrive at the other end. These cells do count towards conflux sequence numbers, and are handled in the out-of-order queue, to preserve ordered delivery:


Currently, this set is the same as the set of cells that have stream ID, but the property that leads to this requirement is not stream usage by itself, it is that these cells must be ordered with respect to all data on the circuit. It is not impossible that future relay commands could be invented that don't have stream IDs, but yet must still arrive in order with respect to circuit data cells. Prop#253 is one possible example of such a thing (though we won't be implementing that proposal).

3. Traffic Scheduling [SCHEDULING]

In order to load balance the traffic between the two circuits, the original conflux paper used only RTT. However, with Proposal 324, we will have accurate information on the instantaneous available bandwidth of each circuit leg, as 'cwnd - inflight' (see Section 3 of Proposal 324). We also have the TCP block state of the local OR connection.

We specify two traffic schedulers from the multipath literature and adapt them to Tor: [MINRTT_TOR], and [LOWRTT_TOR]. Additionally, we create low-memory variants of these that aim to minimize the out-of-order queue size at the receiving endpoint.

Additionally, see the [TRAFFIC_ANALYSIS] sections of this proposal for important details on how this selection can be changed, to reduce website traffic fingerprinting.

3.1. MinRTT scheduling [MINRTT_TOR]

This schedulng algorithm is used for the MIN_LATENCY user experience.

It works by always and only sending on the circuit with the current minimum RTT. With this algorithm, conflux should effectively stay on the circuit with the lowest initial RTT, unless that circuit's RTT raises above the RTT of the other circuit (due to relay load or congestion). When the circuit's congestion window is full (ie: cwnd - inflight <= 0), or if the local OR conn blocks, the conflux set stops transmitting and stops reading on edge connections, rather than switch.

This should result in low out-of-order queues in most situations, unless the initial RTTs of the two circuits are very close (basically within the Vegas RTT bounds of queue variance, 'alpha' and 'beta').

3.2. LowRTT Scheduling [LOWRTT_TOR]

This scheduling algorithm is based on MPTCP's LowRTT scheduler. This algorithm is used for the UX choice of HIGH_THROUGHPUT.

In this algorithm, endpoints send cells on the circuit with lowest RTT that has an unblocked local OR connection, and room in its congestion window (ie: cwnd - inflight > 0). We stop reading on edge connections only when both congestion windows become full, or when both local OR connections are blocked.

In this way, unlike original conflux, we switch to the secondary circuit without causing congestion either locally, or on either circuit. This improves both load times, and overall throughput. Given a large enough transmission, both circuits are used to their full capacity, simultaneously.

3.3. MinRTT Low-Memory Scheduling [MINRTT_LOWMEM_TOR]

The low memory version of the MinRTT scheduler ensures that we do not perform a switch more often than once per congestion window worth of data.

XXX: Other rate limiting, such as not switching unless the RTT changes by more than X%, may be useful here.

3.4. BLEST Scheduling [BLEST_TOR]

XXX: Something like this might be useful for minimizing OOQ for the UX choice of LOW_MEM_THROUGHPUT, but we might just be able to reduce switching frequency instead.

XXX: We want an algorithm that only uses cwnd instead. This algorithm has issues if the primary cwnd grows while the secondary does not. Expect this section to change.

[BLEST] attempts to predict the availability of the primary circuit, and use this information to reorder transmitted data, to minimize head-of-line blocking in the recipient (and thus minimize out-of-order queues there).

BLEST_TOR uses the primary circuit until the congestion window is full. Then, it uses the relative RTT times of the two circuits to calculate how much data can be sent on the secondary circuit faster than if we just waited for the primary circuit to become available.

This is achieved by computing two variables at the sender:

rtts = secondary.currRTT / primary.currRTT
primary_limit = primary.cwnd + (rtts-1)/2)*rtts

Note: This (rtts-1)/2 factor represents anticipated congestion window growth over this period.. it may be different for Tor, depending on CC alg.

If primary_limit < secondary.cwnd - (secondary.package_window + 1), then there is enough space on the secondary circuit to send data faster than we could than waiting for the primary circuit.

XXX: Note that BLEST uses total_send_window where we use secondary.cwnd in this check. total_send_window is min(recv_win, CWND). But since Tor does not use receive windows and instead uses stream XON/XOFF, we only use CWND. There is some concern this may alter BLEST's buffer minimization properties, but since receive window only matter if the application is slower than Tor, and XON/XOFF will cover that case, hopefully this is fine. If we need to, we could turn [REORDER_SIGNALING] into a receive window indication of some kind, to indicate remaining buffer size.

Otherwise, if the primary_limit condition is not hit, cease reading on source edge connections until SENDME acks come back.

Here is the pseudocode for this:

while source.has_data_to_send():
  if primary.cwnd > primary.package_window:

  rtts = secondary.currRTT / primary.currRTT
  primary_limit = (primary.cwnd + (rtts-1)/2)*rtts

  if primary_limit < secondary.cwnd - (secondary.package_window+1):
	break # done for now, wait for SENDME to free up CWND and restart

Note that BLEST also has a parameter lambda that is updated whenever HoL blocking occurs. Because it is expensive and takes significant time to signal this over Tor, we omit this.

4. Security Considerations

4.1. Memory Denial of Service [MEMORY_DOS]

Both reorder queues and retransmit buffers inherently represent a memory denial of service condition.

For [RESUMPTION] retransmit buffers, endpoints that support this feature SHOULD free retransmit information as soon as they get close to memory pressure. This prevents resumption while data is in flight, but will not otherwise harm operation.

In terms of adversarial issues, clients can lie about sequence numbers, sending cells with sequence numbers such that the next expected sequence number is never sent. They can do this repeatedly on many circuits, to exhaust memory at exits. Intermediate relays may also block a leg, allowing cells to traverse only one leg, thus still accumulating at the reorder queue.

In C-Tor we will mitigate this in three ways: via the OOM killer, by the ability for exits to request that clients use the LOW_MEM_LATENCY UX behavior, and by rate limiting the frequency of switching under the LOW_MEM_LATENCY UX style.

When a relay is under memory pressure, the circuit OOM killer SHOULD free and close circuits with the oldest reorder queue data, first. This heuristic was shown to be best during the [SNIPER] attack OOM killer iteration cycle.

The rate limiting under LOW_MEM_LATENCY will be heuristic driven, based on data from Shadow simulations, and live network testing. It is possible that other algorithms may be able to be similarly rate limited.

4.2. Protocol Side Channels [SIDE_CHANNELS]

To understand the decisions we make below with respect to handling potential side channels, it is important to understand a bit of the history of the Tor threat model.

Tor's original threat model completely disregarded all traffic analysis, including protocol side channels, assuming that they were all equally effective, and that diversity of relays was what provided protection. Numerous attack papers have proven this to be an over-generalization.

Protocol side channels are most severe when a circuit is known to be silent, because stateful protocol behavior prevents other normal cells from ever being sent. In these cases, it is trivial to inject a packet count pattern that has zero false positives. These kinds of side channels are made use of in the Guard discovery literature, such as [ONION_FOUND], and [DROPMARK]. It is even more trivial to manipulate the AES-CTR cipherstream, as per [RACOON23], until we implement [PROP308].

However, because we do not want to make this problem worse, it is extremely important to be mindful of ways that an adversary can inject new cell commands, as well as ways that the adversary can spawn new circuits arbitrarily.

It is also important, though slightly less so, to be mindful of the uniqueness of new handshakes, as handshakes can be used to classify usage (such as via Onion Service Circuit Fingerprinting). Handshake side channels are only weakly defended, via padding machines for onion services. These padding machines will need to be improved, and this is also scheduled for arti.

Finally, usage-based traffic analysis need to be considered. This includes things like website traffic fingerprinting, and is covered in [TRAFFIC_ANALYSIS].

4.2.1. Cell Injection Side Channel Mitigations

To avoid [DROPMARK] attacks, several checks must be performed, depending on the cell type. The circuit MUST be closed if any of these checks fail.


  • Ensure conflux is enabled
  • Ensure the circuit is an Exit (or Service Rend) circuit
  • Ensure that no previous LINK cell has arrived on this circuit


  • Ensure conflux is enabled
  • Ensure the circuit is client-side
  • Ensure this is an unlinked circuit that sent a LINK command
  • Ensure that the nonce matches the nonce used in the LINK command
  • Ensure that the cell came from the expected hop


  • Ensure conflux is enabled
  • Ensure that this circuit is not client-side
  • Ensure that the circuit has successfully received its LINK cell
  • Ensure that this circuit has not received a LINKED_ACK yet


  • If Prop#340 is in use, this cell MUST be packed with a valid multiplexed RELAY_COMMAND cell.
  • XXX: Additional rate limiting per algorithm, after tuning.

4.2.2. Guard Discovery Side Channel Mitigations

In order to mitigate potential guard discovery by malicious exits, clients MUST NOT retry failed unlinked circuit legs for a set more than cfx_max_unlinked_leg_retry times.

4.2.3. Usage-Based Side Channel Discussion

After we have solved all of the zero false positive protocol side channels in Tor, our attention can turn to more subtle, usage-based side channels.

Two potential usage side channels may be introduced by the use of Conflux:

  1. Delay-based side channels, by manipulating switching
  2. Location info leaks through the use of both leg's latencies

To perform delay-based side channels, Exits can simply disregard the RTT or cwnd when deciding to switch legs, thus introducing a pattern of gaps that the Guard node can detect. Guard relays can also delay legs to introduce a pattern into the delivery of cells at the exit relay, by varying the latency of SENDME cells (every 31st cell) to change the distribution of traffic to send information. This attack could be performed in either direction of traffic, to bias traffic load off of a particular Guard. If an adversary controls both Guards, it could in theory send a binary signal, by alternating delays on each.

However, Tor currently provides no defenses against already existing single-circuit delay-based (or stop-and-start) side channels. It is already the case that on a single circuit, either the Guard or the Exit can simply withhold sending traffic, as per a recognizable pattern. This class of attacks, and a possible defense for them, is discussed in [BACKLIT].

However, circuit padding can also help to obscure these side channels, even if tuned for website fingerprinting. See [TRAFFIC_ANALYSIS] for more details there.

The second class of side channel is where the Exit relay may be able to use the two legs to further infer more information about client location. See [LATENCY_LEAK] for more details. It is unclear at this time how much more severe this is for two paths than just one.

We preserve the ability to disable conflux to and from Exit relays using consensus parameters, if these side channels prove more severe, or if it proves possible possible to mitigate single-circuit side channels, but not conflux side channels.

4.3. Traffic analysis [TRAFFIC_ANALYSIS]

Even though conflux shows benefits against traffic analysis in [WTF_SPLIT], these gains may be moot if the adversary is able to perform packet counting and timing analysis at guards to guess which specific circuits are linked. In particular, the 3 way handshake in [LINKING_EXIT] may be quite noticeable.

Additionally, the conflux handshake may make onion services stand out more, regardless of the number of stages in the handshake. For this reason, it may be wise to simply address these issues with circuit padding machines during circuit setup (see padding-spec.txt).

Additional traffic analysis considerations arise when combining conflux with padding, for purposes of mitigating traffic fingerprinting. For this, it seems wise to treat the packet schedulers as another piece of a combined optimization problem in tandem with optimizing padding machines, perhaps introducing randomness or fudge factors their scheduling, as a parameterized distribution. For details, see

Finally, conflux may exacerbate forms of confirmation-based traffic analysis that close circuits to determine concretely if they were in use, since closing either leg might cause resumption to fail. TCP RST injection can perform this attack on the side, without surveillance capability. [RESUMPTION] with buffering of the inflight unacked package_window data, for retransmit, is a partial mitigation, if endpoints buffer this data for retransmission for a brief time even if both legs close. This buffering seems more feasible for onion services, which are more vulnerable to this attack. However, if the adversary controls the client and is attacking the service in this way, they will notice the resumption re-link at their client, and still obtain confirmation that way.

It seems the only way to fully mitigate these kinds of attacks is with the Snowflake pluggable transport, which provides its own resumption and retransmit behavior. Additionally, Snowflake's use of UDP DTLS also protects against TCP RST injection, which we suspect to be the main vector for such attacks.

In the future, a DTLS or QUIC transport for Tor such as masque could provide similar RST injection resistance, and resumption at Guard/Bridge nodes, as well.

5. Consensus Parameters [CONSENSUS]

  • cfx_enabled

    • Values: 0=off, 1=on
    • Description: Emergency off switch, in case major issues are discovered.
  • cfx_low_exit_threshold

    • Range: 0-10000
    • Description: Fraction out of 10000 that represents the fractional rate of exits that must support protover 5. If the fraction is below this amount, the number of pre-built sets is restricted to 1.
  • cfx_max_linked_set

    • Range: 0-255
    • Description: The total number of linked sets that can be created. 255 means "unlimited".
  • cfx_max_prebuilt_set

    • Range: 0-255
    • Description: The maximum number of pre-built conflux sets to make. This value is overridden by the cfx_low_exit_threshold criteria.
  • cfx_max_unlinked_leg_retry

    • Range: 0-255
    • Description: The maximum number of times to retry an unlinked leg that fails during build or link, to mitigate guard discovery attacks.
  • cfx_num_legs_set

    • Range: 0-255
    • Description: The number of legs to link in a set.
  • cfx_send_pct

    • XXX: Experimental tuning parameter. Subject to change/removal.
  • cfx_drain_pct

    • XXX: Experimental tuning parameter. Subject to change/removal.

7. Tuning Experiments [EXPERIMENTS]

  • conflux_sched & conflux_exits
    • Exit reorder queue size
    • Responsiveness vs throughput tradeoff?
  • Congestion control
  • EWMA and KIST
  • num guards & conflux_circs


A.1. Alternative Link Handshake [ALTERNATIVE_LINKING]

The circuit linking in [LINKING_EXIT] could be done as encrypted ntor onionskin extension fields, similar to those used by v3 onions.

This approach has at least four problems:

  1. For onion services, since onionskins traverse the intro circuit and return on the rend circuit, this handshake cannot measure RTT there.
  2. Since these onionskins are larger, and have no PFS, an adversary at the middle relay knows that the onionskin is for linking, and can potentially try to obtain the onionskin key for attacks on the link.
  3. It makes linking circuits more fragile, since they could timeout due to CBT, or other issues during construction.
  4. The overhead in processing this onionskin in onionskin queues adds additional time for linking, even in the Exit case, making that RTT potentially noisy.

Additionally, it is not clear that this approach actually saves us anything in terms of setup time, because we can optimize away the linking phase using Proposal 340, to combine initial RELAY_BEGIN cells with RELAY_CIRCUIT_LINK.

A.2. Alternative RTT measurement [ALTERNATIVE_RTT]

Instead of measuring RTTs during [LINKING_EXIT], we could create PING/PONG cells, whose sole purpose is to allow endpoints to measure RTT.

This was rejected for several reasons. First, during circuit use, we already have SENDMEs to measure RTT. Every 100 cells (or circwindow_inc from Proposal 324), we are able to re-measure RTT based on the time between that Nth cell and the SENDME ack. So we only need PING/PONG to measure initial circuit RTT.

If we were able to use onionskins, as per [ALTERNATIVE_LINKING] above, we might be able to specify a PING/PONG/PING handshake solely for measuring initial RTT, especially for onion service circuits.

The reason for not making a dedicated PING/PONG for this purpose is that it is context-free. Even if we were able to use onionskins for linking and resumption, to avoid additional data in handshake that just measures RTT, we would have to enforce that this PING/PONG/PING only follows the exact form needed by this proposal, at the expected time, and at no other points.

If we do not enforce this specific use of PING/PONG/PING, it becomes another potential side channel, for use in attacks such as [DROPMARK].

In general, Tor is planning to remove current forms of context-free and semantic-free cells from its protocol:

We should not add more.

Appendix B: Acknowledgments [ACKNOWLEDGMENTS]

Thanks to Per Hurtig for helping us with the framing of the MPTCP problem space.

Thanks to Simone Ferlin for clarifications on the [BLEST] paper, and for pointing us at the Linux kernel implementation.

Extreme thanks goes again to Toke Høiland-Jørgensen, who helped immensely towards our understanding of how the BLEST condition relates to edge connection pushback, and for clearing up many other misconceptions we had.

Finally, thanks to Mashael AlSabah, Kevin Bauer, Tariq Elahi, and Ian Goldberg, for the original [CONFLUX] paper!















