Notation and encoding
KP -- a public key for an asymmetric cipher.
KS -- a private key for an asymmetric cipher.
K -- a key for a symmetric cipher.
N -- a "nonce", a random value, usually deterministically chosen
from other inputs using hashing.
Security parameters
Tor uses a stream cipher, a public-key cipher, the Diffie-Hellman protocol, and a hash function.
KEY_LEN – the length of the stream cipher’s key, in bytes.
KP_ENC_LEN -- the length of a public-key encrypted message, in bytes.
KP_PAD_LEN -- the number of bytes added in padding for public-key
encryption, in bytes. (The largest number of bytes that can be encrypted
in a single public-key operation is therefore KP_ENC_LEN-KP_PAD_LEN.)
DH_LEN -- the number of bytes used to represent a member of the
Diffie-Hellman group.
DH_SEC_LEN -- the number of bytes used in a Diffie-Hellman private key (x).
Message lengths
Some message lengths are fixed in the Tor protocol.
We give them here.
Some of these message lengths depend
on the version of the Tor link protocol in use:
for these, the link protocol is denoted in this table with v
Name | Length in bytes | Meaning |
CELL_BODY_LEN | 509 | The body length for a fixed-length cell. |
CIRCID_LEN(v) , v < 4 | 2 | The length of a circuit ID |
CIRCID_LEN(v) , v ≥ 4 | 4 | |
CELL_LEN(v) , v < 4 | 512 | The length of a fixed-length cell. |
CELL_LEN(v) , v ≥ 4 | 514 |
Note that for all v
was called sometimes calledPAYLOAD_LEN
These are the ciphers we use unless otherwise specified. Several of them are deprecated for new use.
For a stream cipher, unless otherwise specified, we use 128-bit AES in counter mode, with an IV of all 0 bytes. (We also require AES256.)
For a public-key cipher, unless otherwise specified, we use RSA with 1024-bit keys and a fixed exponent of 65537. We use OAEP-MGF1 padding, with SHA-1 as its digest function. We leave the optional “Label” parameter unset. (For OAEP padding, see
We also use the Curve25519 group and the Ed25519 signature format in several places.
For Diffie-Hellman, unless otherwise specified, we use a generator (g) of 2. For the modulus (p), we use the 1024-bit safe prime from rfc2409 section 6.2 whose hex representation is:
As an optimization, implementations SHOULD choose DH private keys (x) of 320 bits. Implementations that do this MUST never use any DH key more than once. [May other implementations reuse their DH keys?? -RD] [Probably not. Conceivably, you could get away with changing DH keys once per second, but there are too many oddball attacks for me to be comfortable that this is safe. -NM]
All "random" values MUST be generated with a cryptographically strong pseudorandom number generator seeded from a strong entropy source, unless otherwise noted. All "random" values MUST selected uniformly at random from the universe of possible values, unless otherwise noted.Cryptographic hash functions
Tor uses the cryptographic hash functions SHA-1, SHA-256, and SHA3-256.
SHA-1 is vulnerable to various collision attacks, and should not be used anywhere new. Its existing applications are redundant with other hash functions, deprecated, or both.
We denote applications of these hash functions to some message M as:
We define constants to represent the lengths in bytes of the digests that these functions output:
SHA1_LEN = 20
SHA256_LEN = 32
SHA3_256_LEN = 32
Note that although the above terminology is preferred,
many of our older specifications have not yet been converted to use it.
In some places, we also use H(M)
to mean “the digest of M”,
to refer to the length of that digest.
Unless otherwise specified, H(M)
is computed using SHA-1.
Computing the digest of an RSA key
When key
is an RSA public key,
we use the notation
to denote the ASN.1 DER encoding of the key’s
representation as a PKCS#1 RSAPublicKey object.
Some older text does not use yet this notation.
When we refer to “the digest of an RSA public key”,
unless otherwise specified,
we mean a digest of DER(key)
The hash function should be specified explicitly.