Path Construction
Both vanguards systems use a mesh topology: this means that circuits select a hop from each layer independently, allowing paths from any relay in a layer to any relay in the next layer.
Selecting Relays
Vanguards relays are selected from relays with the Stable and Fast flags.
Tor replaces a vanguard whenever it is no longer listed in the most recent consensus, with the goal that we will always have the right number of vanguards ready to be used.
For implementation reasons, we also replace a vanguard if it loses the Fast or Stable flag, because the path selection logic wants middle nodes to have those flags when it’s building preemptive vanguard-using circuits.
The design doesn’t have to be this way: we might instead have chosen to keep vanguards in our list as long as possible, and continue to use them even if they have lost some flags. This tradeoff is similar to the one in Bug #17773, about whether to continue using Entry Guards if they lose the Guard flag – and Tor’s current choice is “no, rotate” for that case too.
Path Restriction Changes
Path restrictions, as well as the ordering of their application, are currently extremely problematic, resulting in information leaks with this topology. Until they are reworked, we disable many of them for onion service circuits.
In particular, we allow the following:
- Nodes from the same /16 and same family for any/all hops in a circuit
- Guard nodes can be chosen for RP/IP/HSDIR
- Guard nodes can be chosen for hop before RP/IP/HSDIR.
The first change prevents the situation where paths cannot be built if two layers all share the same subnet and/or node family, or if a layer consists of only one family and that family is the same as the RP/IP/HSDIR. It also prevents the the use of a different entry guard based on the family or subnet of the IP, HSDIR, or RP. (Alternatives of this permissive behavior are possible: For example, each layer could ensure that it does not consist solely of the same family or /16, but this property cannot easily apply to conflux circuits).
The second change prevents an adversary from forcing the use of a different entry guard by enumerating all guard-flagged nodes as the RP. This change is important once onion services support conflux.
The third change prevents an adversary from learning the guard node by way of noticing which nodes were not chosen for the hop before it. This change is important once onion services support conflux.