There is a small set (say, around 5-10) of semi-trusted directory authorities. A default list of authorities is shipped with the Tor software. Users can change this list, but are encouraged not to do so, in order to avoid partitioning attacks.
Every authority has a very-secret, long-term “Authority Identity Key”. This is stored encrypted and/or offline, and is used to sign “key certificate” documents. Every key certificate contains a medium-term (3-12 months) “authority signing key”, that is used by the authority to sign other directory information. (Note that the authority identity key is distinct from the router identity key that the authority uses in its role as an ordinary router.)
Routers periodically upload signed “routers descriptors” to the directory authorities describing their keys, capabilities, and other information. Routers may also upload signed “extra-info documents” containing information that is not required for the Tor protocol. Directory authorities serve server descriptors indexed by router identity, or by hash of the descriptor.
Routers may act as directory caches to reduce load on the directory authorities. They announce this in their descriptors.
Periodically, each directory authority generates a view of the current descriptors and status for known routers. They send a signed summary of this view (a “status vote”) to the other authorities. The authorities compute the result of this vote, and sign a “consensus status” document containing the result of the vote.
Directory caches download, cache, and re-serve consensus documents.
Clients, directory caches, and directory authorities all use consensus documents to find out when their list of routers is out-of-date. (Directory authorities also use vote statuses.) If it is, they download any missing server descriptors. Clients download missing descriptors from caches; caches and authorities download from authorities. Descriptors are downloaded by the hash of the descriptor, not by the relay’s identity key: this prevents directory servers from attacking clients by giving them descriptors nobody else uses.
All directory information is uploaded and downloaded with HTTP.
What’s different from version 2?
Clients used to download multiple network status documents, corresponding roughly to “status votes” above. They would compute the result of the vote on the client side.
Authorities used to sign documents using the same private keys they used for their roles as routers. This forced them to keep these extremely sensitive keys in memory unencrypted.
All of the information in extra-info documents used to be kept in the main descriptors.
Voting timeline
Every consensus document has a “valid-after” (VA) time, a “fresh-until” (FU) time and a “valid-until” (VU) time. VA MUST precede FU, which MUST in turn precede VU. Times are chosen so that every consensus will be “fresh” until the next consensus becomes valid, and “valid” for a while after. At least 3 consensuses should be valid at any given time.
The timeline for a given consensus is as follows:
VA-DistSeconds-VoteSeconds: The authorities exchange votes. Each authority uploads their vote to all other authorities.
VA-DistSeconds-VoteSeconds/2: The authorities try to download any votes they don’t have.
Authorities SHOULD also reject any votes that other authorities try to upload after this time. ( was the first version to reject votes in this way.)
Note: Refusing late uploaded votes minimizes the chance of a consensus split, particular when authorities are under bandwidth pressure. If an authority is struggling to upload its vote, and finally uploads to a fraction of authorities after this period, they will compute a consensus different from the others. By refusing uploaded votes after this time, we increase the likelihood that most authorities will use the same vote set.
Rejecting late uploaded votes does not fix the problem entirely. If some authorities are able to download a specific vote, but others fail to do so, then there may still be a consensus split. However, this change does remove one common cause of consensus splits.
VA-DistSeconds: The authorities calculate the consensus and exchange signatures. (This is the earliest point at which anybody can possibly get a given consensus if they ask for it.)
VA-DistSeconds/2: The authorities try to download any signatures they don’t have.
VA: All authorities have a multiply signed consensus.
VA ... FU: Caches download the consensus. (Note that since caches have
no way of telling what VA and FU are until they have downloaded
the consensus, they assume that the present consensus's VA is
equal to the previous one's FU, and that its FU is one interval after
FU: The consensus is no longer the freshest consensus.
FU ... (the current consensus's VU): Clients download the consensus.
(See note above: clients guess that the next consensus's FU will be
two intervals after the current VA.)
VU: The consensus is no longer valid; clients should continue to try to download a new consensus if they have not done so already.
VU + 24 hours: Clients will no longer use the consensus at all.
VoteSeconds and DistSeconds MUST each be at least 20 seconds; FU-VA and VU-FU MUST each be at least 5 minutes.